46 research outputs found

    Keep Calm and React with Foresight: Strategies for Low-latency and Energy-efficient Elastic Data Stream Processing

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    This paper addresses the problem of designing scaling strategies for elastic data stream processing. Elasticity allows applications to rapidly change their configuration on-the-fly (e.g., the amount of used resources) in response to dynamic workload fluctuations. In this work we face this problem by adopting the Model Predictive Control technique, a control-theoretic method aimed at finding the optimal application configuration along a limited prediction horizon in the future by solving an online optimization problem. Our control strategies are designed to address latency constraints, using Queueing Theory models, and energy consumption by changing the number of used cores and the CPU frequency through the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) support available in the modern multicore CPUs. The proactive capabilities, in addition to the latency- and energy-awareness, represent the novel features of our approach. To validate our methodology, we develop a thorough set of experiments on a high-frequency trading application. The results demonstrate the high-degree of flexibility and configurability of our approach, and show the effectiveness of our elastic scaling strategies compared with existing state-of-the-art techniques used in similar scenarios

    Proactive elasticity and energy awareness in data stream processing

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    Data stream processing applications have a long running nature (24hr/7d) with workload conditions that may exhibit wide variations at run-time. Elasticity is the term coined to describe the capability of applications to change dynamically their resource usage in response to workload fluctuations. This paper focuses on strategies for elastic data stream processing targeting multicore systems. The key idea is to exploit Model Predictive Control, a control-theoretic method that takes into account the system behavior over a future time horizon in order to decide the best reconfiguration to execute. We design a set of energy-aware proactive strategies, optimized for throughput and latency QoS requirements, which regulate the number of used cores and the CPU frequency through the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) support offered by modern multicore CPUs. We evaluate our strategies in a high-frequency trading application fed by synthetic and real-world workload traces. We introduce specific properties to effectively compare different elastic approaches, and the results show that our strategies are able to achieve the best outcome

    Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Data Stream Processing

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    In recent years our ability to produce information has been growing steadily, driven by an ever increasing computing power, communication rates, hardware and software sensors diffusion. This data is often available in the form of continuous streams and the ability to gather and analyze it to extract insights and detect patterns is a valuable opportunity for many businesses and scientific applications. The topic of Data Stream Processing (DaSP) is a recent and highly active research area dealing with the processing of this streaming data. The development of DaSP applications poses several challenges, from efficient algorithms for the computation to programming and runtime systems to support their execution. In this thesis two main problems will be tackled: * need for high performance: high throughput and low latency are critical requirements for DaSP problems. Applications necessitate taking advantage of parallel hardware and distributed systems, such as multi/manycores or cluster of multicores, in an effective way; * dynamicity: due to their long running nature (24hr/7d), DaSP applications are affected by highly variable arrival rates and changes in their workload characteristics. Adaptivity is a fundamental feature in this context: applications must be able to autonomously scale the used resources to accommodate dynamic requirements and workload while maintaining the desired Quality of Service (QoS) in a cost-effective manner. In the current approaches to the development of DaSP applications are still missing efficient exploitation of intra-operator parallelism as well as adaptations strategies with well known properties of stability, QoS assurance and cost awareness. These are the gaps that this research work tries to fill, resorting to well know approaches such as Structured Parallel Programming and Control Theoretic models. The dissertation runs along these two directions. The first part deals with intra-operator parallelism. A DaSP application can be naturally expressed as a set of operators (i.e. intermediate computations) that cooperate to reach a common goal. If QoS requirements are not met by the current implementation, bottleneck operators must be internally parallelized. We will study recurrent computations in window based stateful operators and propose patterns for their parallel implementation. Windowed operators are the most representative class of stateful data stream operators. Here computations are applied on the most recent received data. Windows are dynamic data structures: they evolve over time in terms of content and, possibly, size. Therefore, with respect to traditional patterns, the DaSP domain requires proper specializations and enhanced features concerning data distribution and management policies for different windowing methods. A structured approach to the problem will reduce the effort and complexity of parallel programming. In addition, it simplifies the reasoning about the performance properties of a parallel solution (e.g. throughput and latency). The proposed patterns exhibit different properties in terms of applicability and profitability that will be discussed and experimentally evaluated. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the proposal and study of predictive strategies and reconfiguration mechanisms for autonomic DaSP operators. Reconfiguration activities can be implemented in a transparent way to the application programmer thanks to the exploitation of parallel paradigms with well known structures. Furthermore, adaptation strategies may take advantage of the QoS predictability of the used parallel solution. Autonomous operators will be driven by means of a Model Predictive Control approach, with the intent of giving QoS assurances in terms of throughput or latency in a resource-aware manner. An experimental section will show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of execution costs reduction as well as the stability degree of a system reconfiguration. The experiments will target shared and distributed memory architectures

    Multithreaded support to interprocess communication in parallel architectures

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    Multithreaded architectures are becoming commercially diffused. The work of this thesis aims at investigating a possible use of this technology in high performance computing for supporting interprocess communication in shared memory systems by emulating the functionalities of a communication processor when it is not physically available

    FBLAS: Streaming Linear Algebra on FPGA

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    Spatial computing architectures pose an attractive alternative to mitigate control and data movement overheads typical of load-store architectures. In practice, these devices are rarely considered in the HPC community due to the steep learning curve, low productivity and lack of available libraries for fundamental operations. High-level synthesis (HLS) tools are facilitating hardware programming, but optimizing for these architectures requires factoring in new transformations and resources/performance trade-offs. We present FBLAS, an open-source HLS implementation of BLAS for FPGAs, that enables reusability, portability and easy integration with existing software and hardware codes. FBLAS' implementation allows scaling hardware modules to exploit on-chip resources, and module interfaces are designed to natively support streaming on-chip communications, allowing them to be composed to reduce off-chip communication. With FBLAS, we set a precedent for FPGA library design, and contribute to the toolbox of customizable hardware components necessary for HPC codes to start productively targeting reconfigurable platforms

    Parallel Continuous Preference Queries over Out-of-Order and Bursty Data Streams

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    Techniques to handle traffic bursts and out-of-order arrivals are of paramount importance to provide real-time sensor data analytics in domains like traffic surveillance, transportation management, healthcare and security applications. In these systems the amount of raw data coming from sensors must be analyzed by continuous queries that extract value-added information used to make informed decisions in real-time. To perform this task with timing constraints, parallelism must be exploited in the query execution in order to enable the real-time processing on parallel architectures. In this paper we focus on continuous preference queries, a representative class of continuous queries for decision making, and we propose a parallel query model targeting the efficient processing over out-of-order and bursty data streams. We study how to integrate punctuation mechanisms in order to enable out-of-order processing. Then, we present advanced scheduling strategies targeting scenarios with different burstiness levels, parameterized using the index of dispersion quantity. Extensive experiments have been performed using synthetic datasets and real-world data streams obtained from an existing real-time locating system. The experimental evaluation demonstrates the efficiency of our parallel solution and its effectiveness in handling the out-of-orderness degrees and burstiness levels of real-world applications

    Temporal Vectorization: A Compiler Approach to Automatic Multi-Pumping

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    The multi-pumping resource sharing technique can overcome the limitations commonly found in single-clocked FPGA designs by allowing hardware components to operate at a higher clock frequency than the surrounding system. However, this optimization cannot be expressed in high levels of abstraction, such as HLS, requiring the use of hand-optimized RTL. In this paper we show how to leverage multiple clock domains for computational subdomains on reconfigurable devices through data movement analysis on high-level programs. We offer a novel view on multi-pumping as a compiler optimization - a superclass of traditional vectorization. As multiple data elements are fed and consumed, the computations are packed temporally rather than spatially. The optimization is applied automatically using an intermediate representation that maps high-level code to HLS. Internally, the optimization injects modules into the generated designs, incorporating RTL for fine-grained control over the clock domains. We obtain a reduction of resource consumption by up to 50% on critical components and 23% on average. For scalable designs, this can enable further parallelism, increasing overall performance

    GASSER: An Auto-Tunable System for General Sliding-Window Streaming Operators on GPUs

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    Today's stream processing systems handle high-volume data streams in an efficient manner. To achieve this goal, they are designed to scale out on large clusters of commodity machines. However, despite the efficient use of distributed architectures, they lack support to co-processors like graphical processing units (GPUs) ready to accelerate data-parallel tasks. The main reason for this lack of integration is that GPU processing and the streaming paradigm have different processing models, with GPUs needing a bulk of data present at once while the streaming paradigm advocates a tuple-at-a-time processing model. This paper contributes to fill this gap by proposing Gasser, a system for offloading the execution of sliding-window operators on GPUs. The system focuses on completely general functions by targeting the parallel processing of non-incremental queries that are not supported by the few existing GPU-based streaming prototypes. Furthermore, Gasser provides an auto-tuning approach able to automatically find the optimal value of the configuration parameters (i.e., batch length and the degree of parallelism) needed to optimize throughput and latency with the given query and data stream. The experimental part assesses the performance efficiency of Gasser by comparing its peak throughput and latency against Apache Flink, a popular and scalable streaming system. Furthermore, we evaluate the penalty induced by supporting completely general queries against the performance achieved by the state-of-the-art solution specifically optimized for incremental queries. Finally, we show the speed and accuracy of the auto-tuning approach adopted by Gasser, which is able to self-configure the system by finding the right configuration parameters without manual tuning by the users

    Python FPGA Programming with Data-Centric Multi-Level Design

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    Although high-level synthesis (HLS) tools have significantly improved programmer productivity over hardware description languages, developing for FPGAs remains tedious and error prone. Programmers must learn and implement a large set of vendor-specific syntax, patterns, and tricks to optimize (or even successfully compile) their applications, while dealing with ever-changing toolflows from the FPGA vendors. We propose a new way to develop, optimize, and compile FPGA programs. The Data-Centric parallel programming (DaCe) framework allows applications to be defined by their dataflow and control flow through the Stateful DataFlow multiGraph (SDFG) representation, capturing the abstract program characteristics, and exposing a plethora of optimization opportunities. In this work, we show how extending SDFGs with multi-level Library Nodes incorporates both domain-specific and platform-specific optimizations into the design flow, enabling knowledge transfer across application domains and FPGA vendors. We present the HLS-based FPGA code generation backend of DaCe, and show how SDFGs are code generated for either FPGA vendor, emitting efficient HLS code that is structured and annotated to implement the desired architecture

    Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, Quality of Life and Gender Differences as Determinants of Post-Traumatic Growth in Long-Term Knee Rotationplasty Survivors: A Cohort Study

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    : Rotationplasty (RP) is a special surgical technique for bone tumors of the lower limb and is the chosen procedure for children under 6 with bone sarcoma in the distal femur. Leg reconstruction results in an unusual aspect of the limb potentially giving life-long emotional outcomes, especially considering the young age of most RP patients. Although the high level of the quality of life of these patients has been previously reported, aspects related to long-term psychological well-being, self-esteem and life satisfaction, particularly regarding the gender, procreation and parenting, have never been explored. The aim of this study was to assess the general degree of psychological well-being of RP patients, with specific reference to gender, procreation and parenting. Twenty long-term RP survivors of high-grade bone sarcoma participated in the study. They were administered the following validated questionnaires: HADS for psychological well-being (degree of anxiety and depression), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), RSES for self-esteem, SF-36 for quality of life, SWLS extended to life satisfaction, and ABIS for body image integration. Data on education, marriage, employment and parenthood were gathered. All the scores obtained were very close to normal references. The only gender difference was found for the TCI Cooperativeness scale, which was higher in women than in men. A satisfactory psychological well-being in terms of both self-esteem and integration of the prosthetic joint limb into one's body image, with relatively limited amount of anxiety/depression, good quality of life, and good temperament and character traits, was found. No major gender differences were reported